Slides from FlashCamp SF – Advanced CSS

At FlashCamp last Friday, I did a quickie 15 min. intro of our new Advanced CSS support in Flex 4. The new support includes:

1) Descendant Selectors

2) ID Selectors

3) Multiple class selectors

4 ) Pseudo / State Selectors

5 ) Mixing and matching all these selectors. So, you can now mix Type + class selectors, Type+pseudo selectors etc.

If you are interested in the Slides I used from FlashCamp, here they are:

FlashCamp Slides: Advanced CSS in Flex 4.pdf

I would also post the beer demo that I used, but, I probably used some images that I don’t own and someone copyrighted at some point… I don’t want to get myself into any trouble 🙂

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