Send an object to the front or back in Edge Reflow

In the past week, someone asked on our user forums how to send an object to the front or back in Reflow. In Reflow, as elements are placed on the canvas, their default position value is “static”. When items are position: static, they do not support the z-index property which determines stack order.

To change the stack order of elements in your Reflow design, you must first change the position property from static to “absolute”, “relative” or “fixed”. You can do this in the Layout -> Advanced pane.


Once your element is fixed, absolute or relatively positioned, you will see options in this pane for z-index.


Click on the first button to push an element back in the stack order. Or, click the second button to send the object back in the stack order.

One response

  1. […] Flex Butterflies and Bugs In the past week, someone asked on our user forums how to send an object to the front or back in […]

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